The Winter of 13 Storms
HDV 12 minutes
Edition of 5The Winter of 13 Storms Limited Edition Photographs and Film Stills
The Winter of 13 Storms
This 3 screen film and video installation focuses on the breakdown in communication between two people in an abandoned empty world. This alien yet familiar world is bereft of human life, apart from a man and a woman. They inhabit opposing environments trying to connect, but never succeeding. Both seem to be devoured by their own environments, which are in turn devoured by nature. Set somewhere between dream, reality and science fiction, the film sets out a poignant narrative of a disappeared world.
Humankind have created our own hell on earth. It is suggested that this disharmony is related to the current economic and ecological crisis, and that there is a domino effect. With this gulf between society, nature, and power, the ballast is gone and the tipping point has been reached. It’s a highly visceral and visual piece, dealing with this subject in an abstract and non-linear way, using the language of film as a way of creating a space in which ideas can be experienced in an all-encompassing way.
HDV 12 minutes
Edition of 5
Director / Producer – Clare Langan
Cinematography – Clare Langan/ Robbie Ryan
Choreography – Maria Nilsson Waller
Performers: Maria Nilsson Waller and Jose Miguel Jimenez
Editing – Adam Finch
Music – Judith Ring; Hildur Guðnadóttir; Jana Winderen;
Sound Design – Peter Albertstein
Sound Advisor – Ruan Mc Gahan
Sound Mix – Peter Albertstein; Killian Fitzgerald
Post Production – Outer Limits
Grade – Gary Curran
Thanks to: Jason O’Mahony, Anna Rackard, Ciara Mc Kenna, Deirdre Mc Kenna, Breege Granville, Granville House Dingle
Funded by the Arts Council of Ireland
Copyright: Clare Langan 2017